Each student needs to:
1. Pick any “Science World” magazine from the stacks on my desk.
2. Choose an article that is interesting to you and read through it.
3. Now choose any of the “Science News” magazines over by the frogs.
Read through any of the articles (if it is long, scan through it). You will have to share these magazines because there aren’t as many of them.
4. Answer the following questions on paper (you may use the colored scratch paper):
a. How would you compare these aspects of the two articles:
1. types of words and sentence structure
2. use of pictures or lack of pictures and picture size compared
to the article size
3. Creative title or lack of a creative title
4. Use of quoting someone else
5. Length of article.
c. Who do you think was the intended audience for each article?
d. Why do you think the Science World article was written and arranged the way that it was? What
about the Science News article?
Turn these observations in. We will use them in a discussion/project tomorrow. Neatly return your magazines to the stacks they came from.
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