Friday, February 11, 2011

Monday, Feb. 14th - Biology

Scan through Ch. 23, section 1 in your Biology books. Notice that there are six main adaptations that plants had to make to live successfully on land:

  • absorbing nutrients with roots, 
  • preventing water loss, 
  • reproducing on land using pollen, 
  • transporting materials with vascular tissue, 
  • protecting embryos with seeds and 
  • attracting pollinators with flowers.)
Pretend that you are a salesman, selling one or more of these adaptations to plants. Make an advertisement, using any computer program that you want (or you may draw it on paper), selling the adaptation you have chosen. You may want to read more about it in the book (Ch. 23, section 1). Your advertisement must include the following things:
  • a picture (probably of a plant who either needs or has the adaptation you chose)
  • A name for your product (the adaptation - but be creative!)
  • The price you are selling your adaptation for
  • A short explanation of why a plant needs the adaptation you are selling.
If you made your ad on the computer, turn it in to the dropbox with your name in the file name. If you made your ad by hand, turn it in to the sub. If you aren't finished when the bell rings, turn it in tomorrow.

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