Monday, February 16, 2009

Biology Links - Material Cycles

Hey guys! For today's lesson about how materials get cycled through both living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem, check out these links:

Water Cycle

Carbon Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

For your daily grade today, post a comment on how you think people could influence the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles. Is that impact good, bad, or both (explain why)? Do these cycles need protecting in any way? Why? What can you do to help maintain a healthy ecosystem?


  1. People can influence the cycles by polluting the atmosphere with smog and exhaust from cars. The air pollution can cause the rain to become acidic and hurt the plants it falls on. This is bad. Steps should be taken to prevent air pollution. We can buy hybrid vehicles to prevent making harmful exhaust.

  2. People influence the water,carbon, and nitrogen cycles in a bad way. With cars and factories we pollute the atmosphere. They mess with the nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle. Cutting down all the trees and plants also mess with the carbon cycle, we need the trees. Oil spills and other things like that messes with our water cycle and also kills the fish with all the pollution. We need to protect our ecosystem and get it clean and keep it clean.

  3. People influence the carbon cycle by producing smog and other chemicals into the atmosphere. Cars and factories produce additional carbon dioxide into the air. This impact is bad because it makes it harder to breathe fresh air. Carpooling is a good way to protect the carbon cycle.

  4. Peolpe influence the water cyle by putting excess water into the oceans, which helps speed up precipitation process.This process could be bad or good because by putting water into oceans could kill sea creatures.People also influence the carbon cyle by producing smog.Also people could help the nitrogen cycle by fishing and leaving dead fish on the sea shore and let the fish decay. This could have a bad effect on the population of fish.

  5. I've learned that the water cycle is always a continuous process. The water we don't use and throw out on the ground ends up evaportating and going up into the air. In the Carbon Cycle just like if animals or plants have died their decay ends up going up into the air, so like the people that hav ebeen murdered or found dead their decay ends up going up into our environement. How poeple influence the Nitrogen Cycle is when we go fishing and we just throw the fish on shore and forget about themm, they end up decaying and that is part of the nitrogen cycle.

  6. When it comes to people helping the carbon and nitrogen cycle, humans are mainly the ones who pollute the cycles. Oil, smoke, gas, etc., are all bad influences on these cycles. Humans could also help the water cycle by keeping oil spills out of the water, stop killing so many trees, and wild life animals.

  7. I think that if noone litered and everyone helped out around the earth then it would make it easier for the cycles to occur.
    If everyone went by these ways it would be good, because it will make it extremely easy for the cycles to occur and make it much much easier.
    I would say that the cycles need protect to just for the fact that the carbon cycle is a process that takes many many years and if we do protect the earth by keeping all the trash in a safe place then the carbon cycle would take much more time to work.
    I could put on a Drive throughout the U.S so that I could get everyone to pick up a little trash off the ground and it would make a big difference then what it would have if not attempted.

  8. People influence the water cycle by poluting the water with trash. These cycles need protection cause people are poluting them.You can recycle to help maintain a healthy ecosystem.

  9. People influence the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle by all the trash people throw on the ground. Sometimes the impact is good and bad one reason it is bad is because the polution thats in the air because of the trash. By influenceing the cycles we could have clean water. I think the cycles need to be protected so the water isnt polutied water.

  10. I think people influence the cycles in good and bad ways. They polute the air and the water but also die and kill animals that fertilize the ground. People can recycle many things instead of burning them and polluting the air or burying them and polute the ground.

  11. Oil, smoke, gas, and other things are all bad influences on these cycles. Humans could also help the water cycle by keeping oil spills out of the water, stop destroying trees and forests that make oxygen, and wild life animals.

  12. people can influence the all three systems by just messing with one of the three. by dumping hazardous wastes from industrial plants or just normal people using the waterways and the ground as their own personal sewage dump, they all effect the ecosystem in a bad way because they are destroying the animal kingdom numbers. to save existing animal groups you must first protect the food supply, thus you must protect the ecosystem. normal everyday people can protect the environment simply by thinking green. yeah, that has become cliche, but by recycling or just not wasting as much, you can drastically help.

  13. we people in the world need to have carbon because if the air dont have it the plants would end of dead plus if we dont have carbon the plants could not take in the carbon and convert it into food.

  14. People effect the cycles in a bad way by polluting the air and the water. By driving around we cause the air to be polluted. We also effect the water cycle in a negative way by polluting the oceans. We pollute the ocean by throwing things into the water.

  15. People do not help the carbon cycle by driving cars and leaving exhaust in the air. People really dont effect the water cycle much except for accidently putting chemicals in the water and making acid precipatation. Nitrogen is 78% of the earths atmosphere and is used by plants to produce oxygen.

  16. We are and will continue to effect our cycles in both good and bad ways. We benifit it by keeping plants and animals from over populateing which helps the carbon cycle. On the other hand we are hazardous to our environment by polluting the air from our factories,cars,and dump sites which in return pollute our water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles. We can help save these cycles by recycling, turning off the lights when they arn't in use, and carpooling.

  17. We affect all three cycles. Water by storing the water where it can't continue its cycle immediately. This isn't that bad of an affect. We affect the Carbon cycle by driving cars and adding carbon dioxide to the air. Which helps the plants. And in the Nitrogen Cycle we take away from the nitrogen in the air and don't replace it.

  18. We pollute the world by driving cars, factories, and trash. we are bentifiting the carbon cycle because the carbon from our cars is putting additionals carbon in the air. we also pollute the water witch messes with the water cycle.

  19. I think that people affect the cycles all the time because they litter, send smog and other things in the air by factories, and exhaust from cars. They also cut down many of the plants that produce oxygen and use nitrogen.

  20. The water cycle is not going to do anything bad because we use the same water over and over. The carbon is not that bad because trees and plants need carbon so they clean the air. On the nitrogen cycle animals and people use it and it does not get replaced fast enough.

  21. Humans influence the water cyclce in a bad way by polluting the water from oil spills from ships and dumping trash in the ocean. We need to protect our water because there is only so much fresh water that is drinkable to humans. We can help minimize water pollution by getting friends together and putting in an honest hard days work of cleaning up the dirty water.

  22. Whithout knowing it, we harm the environment with our car emmissions and by polluting the water. This will have very bad effects on our earth years to come. The water cycle is important to us and needs protection, mostly from pollution. By driving less and conserving water you can help our environment.

  23. Humans pollute our water systen by driving cars and running factories. By doing this it can cause acid rain which can kill forest. Also we affect the carbon cycle but unlike the water cycle this is in a good way. By running factories and burning fossil fuels we put extra carbon into the air giving this cycle more carbon to work with.

  24. People influences the water cycle by a lot of reasons. One, is that water is always getting polluted by chemicals and oil from ships and factories. So that has a bad effect on the water in the world. We can help and maintain the water by stop using destructive chemicals and spilling oil in the oceans.

  25. People trash the water, nitrogen, and carbon cycle everyday. They do it by not recycling and polluting the ecosystem. They do need to be protected by all of the hazardous waste that terrible people put out in the environment. We can stop this awfulness by putting out rules and regulations.

  26. I beleive we have harmed the cycles of our planet. All these cycles worked perfectly before humans were introduced. We need to protect them because if we don't we will continue to deminish their health untill they no longer supply us with our needs.
