Friday, September 3, 2010


First of all, we have short classes today, so get ready to work fast when you get in class!

Also, you should be able to access all of my power points from class by going to my public folder at school.

Here is how to access my public folder:
Open your "Finder". (It's the icon with two faces on it).

On the left side of that box, click "All" to see all of the shared folders. Scroll until you find the one with my last name at the end of it.

Then click on your class folder and find the file you want to download.

Only ten people can access my folder at once, so make sure you "eject" my folder once you are through with it by right clicking on the driver icon (it has little people on it) that's on your desktop, and choosing "eject."

Chemistry - 1st period: you still need to learn about significant figures in Chapter 2.3 and then we'll move on to 2.4, which is about graphing. Don't forget to keep looking at the class calendar at the bottom of this page - you have a Ch. 2 test coming up!

Everyone else in chemistry: You are starting Chapter 2, section 4 (about graphing) and making a kind of graph that is about you and different than any you've seen before, I bet!

Biology - Your Label Tables are due today (put them in my class drop box) and then you will cover chapter 2, section 4. We'll test out the public folder for this class too so that you know how to use it in the future. Then you need to update your vocabulary word list so you'll have it ready to study when your test comes along. Be sure you are watching the class calendar at the bottom of this page so that you know in advance when tests are coming up.

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