Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Happy Tuesday!

First of all, don't forget that your project proposal forms are due tomorrow!

Today in Chemistry, we are hitting chapter 2, section 2, which is about scientific notation and unit conversions for measurements. Then you are going to prepare for a flight to the moon...who said chemistry has to stay in the classroom??

Today in Biology, you are starting Chapter 2, which begins with a quick review on atoms, the building blocks for all things, including living things. Then we will play a game to see how well you know atoms! Don't forget that your biologist interviews are due on Thursday.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Here we go with Week 2!

In Chemistry, you are going to start chapter 2 with a review over types of measurements you will use throughout this class, including density. Then you will do a lab about Den City. Think about that a minute....get it? :)

Here is something else for you to think about: What is "nanotechnology"? Find me an article about how scientists are using nanotechnology these days, and I'll give you three bonus points on your Ch. 2 test.

In Biology, we are going to quickly look at the types of issues in the field of biology that our world is facing today. Then you are going to "interview" a biologist of your choice (click here for the choices) and present your interview to us on Thursday.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally Friday!

It looks like we have all survived our first week of class! Here's what stands between you and the weekend. :)

In Chemistry and Biology, your safety contracts are due and you will take your safety test today.

After that, chemistry classes will move on to Chapter 1, section 4, which is about types of research. Don't worry. It's short.

In Biology, you will hit Chapter 1, section 1, which is about our definition of living things.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday's Class

Biology and Chemistry: You will both start chapter one in your books today, starting with Scientific Method. Then, you will go to the www.sciencebuddies.org website to pick out your science fair project.

Don't forget that your science contracts are due on Friday and that you will take your Lab Safety test is on Friday too. You must make a 100 on this test to do labs in this class!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Today in Class

Today in class we are going to review those beloved safety rules in the Safety Contract. In chemistry, however, you are going to take knowing the rules a step further by improving the contract! There will be a test over the safety rules on Friday, so keep them fresh in your mind!

Next, we will look at three examples of communication in the field of science and we will look at their similarities, differences, purposes and apparent credibilities. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Picture This!

Today you will identify lab equipment that we will use in class and you can prove you know your stuff by taking a picture of each piece of equipment and matching it with the correct name. Download the Google Document named "Lab Equipment" and save it to your computer (Click "File" and "Download As") before you start copy and pasting pictures onto your page. Then save this file and keep it to study for your test next week.

We will also cover the lab safety rules today!

Monday, August 23, 2010

What's New in Room 130?

Well, first of all, I've changed the class website yet again! After all, part of being a good scientist is experimenting and changing the experiment where change is needed! So on this blog, you should be able to find announcements and assignment descriptions for class each day (any files you need for class can be accessed on the school server, not here) and lots of other stuff like pictures and good website links.

Today in class, we are all covering the same things. Here is the outline:

  • Introduction to Room 130
    • Where is everything? 
  • Introduction to this blog and how to use it
  • Be thinking about your own blog, if you don't have one already (you will need a username, password and email address)
    • We will use that password and username for any free account we use in this class
  • My rules
    • Be respectful
    • Be ready for class (get here on time and with your stuff! This includes having your laptop charged.)
    • Be safe in the lab
  • What to expect from this class
  • Where your grades come from
    • Daily grades: labs, quizzes, assignments
    • Tests
    • Project
Today's Music: "Get Ready" by the Temptations

Sunday, August 22, 2010


In your down time today, check out this website. It has answers to all kinds of science questions, experiments, and a place to learn about new and cool jobs in the field of science. Let me know what you find that really interests you!

What do you think?

There sure are a lot of changes going on at our school this year! Think about what you think class will be like, and then think about what school was probably like when your parents were in school. Do you think that the difference in technology truly changes the things you will learn this year? Or does it only change the way you learn? Will you be able to learn more than students from years past? Post a comment and in no more than two or three sentences, tell me what you think!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Meet Your New Classmates!

Albert and Darwin are African Dwarf Frogs! (Can you tell the difference between them?) Click here to read a Wikipedia article about them. If you can find a good website or article about this kind of frog (especially how to take care of them!) please post a comment on this page or let me know about it!

First Photo Contest!

This six week's photo contest category is "In the Lab." Your photos are allowed to be digitally altered for this contest and includes equipment used in the field of science. Lab equipment used in our class is fair game, but remember that science happens in lots of places besides our classroom. Please send a digital copy of your picture to me if you can (email it to kimberly.beck@seymour-isd.net), and if you do not have a camera, talk to me. You can enter up to two photos for this contest and the top 5 photos (voted on by you, of course) will be automatically entered into this year's Photo Fair at Science Night! So get clickin', shutterbugs! Talk to me if you have questions!