Monday, August 23, 2010

What's New in Room 130?

Well, first of all, I've changed the class website yet again! After all, part of being a good scientist is experimenting and changing the experiment where change is needed! So on this blog, you should be able to find announcements and assignment descriptions for class each day (any files you need for class can be accessed on the school server, not here) and lots of other stuff like pictures and good website links.

Today in class, we are all covering the same things. Here is the outline:

  • Introduction to Room 130
    • Where is everything? 
  • Introduction to this blog and how to use it
  • Be thinking about your own blog, if you don't have one already (you will need a username, password and email address)
    • We will use that password and username for any free account we use in this class
  • My rules
    • Be respectful
    • Be ready for class (get here on time and with your stuff! This includes having your laptop charged.)
    • Be safe in the lab
  • What to expect from this class
  • Where your grades come from
    • Daily grades: labs, quizzes, assignments
    • Tests
    • Project
Today's Music: "Get Ready" by the Temptations

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