Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Welcome Back!

Okay, I know we're already well into the first six weeks of school...but welcome back!! We're doing lots of new things this year, and a lot of those new things have to do with the Three Rivers Foundation, who just happens to have a new blog, so I want to put a link to it here.

And of course, I can't leave out my new class website, where students can access all of the lessons they see in class, and get caught up if they miss a day. Once we get all of our new computers at school and other technological equipment, I hope to eventually have podcasts and videos and lots more student work there too, so keep an eye out and watch us evolve! :)

SHS is already signed up to take a bus load of kids to 3RF in November to watch the Leonid meteor shower from one of the darkest places around. Bring a blanket!

Also, we're getting closer and closer to starting our turtle habitat. Meet our first turtle (sorry, he's not named yet!)